Best Acerola Cherry Powders and Extracts

Best Acerola Cherry Powders and Extracts

While living in Central America, I ate a lot of fresh acerola cherry and particularly loved making sorbet from it.  Now that I’m back in the States, I take acerola cherry powder when I need an immune boost.  An unfortunate problem with acerola cherry though is that its nutrients break down quickly.  If you want to get the health benefits of acerola cherry, it’s important that you choose the right product. Read more

Arjuna Tree Health Benefits Explained

Arjuna Tree Health Benefits Explained

If you walk around river beds in parts of India, you will probably see a tall, imposing tree with an yellow star-shaped fruit.  This is the arjuna tree.  To protect itself from infection and infestation, the arjuna tree evolved to have strong natural chemicals like antioxidants, enzymes and acids.  These same components are what give arjuna herb health benefits to humans, particularly for heart health.  Read more

Gac Fruit: The Southeast Asian Superfood You Haven’t Heard of Yet

Gac Fruit: The Southeast Asian Superfood You Haven’t Heard of Yet

A lot of Southeast Asian fruits – like lognan, durian, and jackfruit — have become wildly popular around the world. Yet, most people still haven’t heard of gac fruit.  This is surprising considering that gac fruit has the highest amount of lycopene of all fruits – 200x more than carrots and 50x more than tomatoes. On top of that, gac fruit is loaded with many other nutrients and has lots of impressive health benefits. Read more