Both slippery elm and marshmallow root are becoming very popular ingredients in natural hair care. The reason they are so good for hair is because they contain a lot of mucilage. Read more
DIY Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root Hair Recipes

Both slippery elm and marshmallow root are becoming very popular ingredients in natural hair care. The reason they are so good for hair is because they contain a lot of mucilage. Read more
Horsetail is one of my favorite supplements. As one of the world’s best sources of silica, it makes my hair and skin look great. Because it builds collagen, horsetail supplements can help prevent wrinkles and signs of aging. And, even though I can’t see this benefit, horsetail also helps my bones get stronger and reduces the likelihood that I’ll get osteoporosis later in life. Read more
Out of the hundreds of edible nuts in the world, we only consume a small number of them. However, that is slowly starting to change. Now it is possible to get some exciting nuts from around the world, including the ultra-healthy pili nut. Here’s what you need to know if you want to try pili nuts. Read more
Whenever I travel somewhere new, I’m always amazed at how many amazing foods I had never even heard of before. This was the case with mongongo (aka manketti) before I went to Namibia. After seeing locals cracking open the strange nuts, I learned all about the benefits of mongongo nuts, especially the oil for hair and skin. Read more