7 Best Bacopa Supplements (High Bacoside Content)

7 Best Bacopa Supplements (High Bacoside Content)

Bacopa monierri is one of the best known and most-researched nootropics – substances which boost memory and cognitive function.   There are also numerous other health benefits of bacopa such as reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.  These benefits primarily come from unique phytochemicals called bacosides. Here is what you need to know to make sure you are actually getting a bacopa supplement with high bacoside levels, plus info on dosage and how to take bacopa so your body absorbs it. Read more

Herbs for Getting Rid of Gallstones Naturally (As Backed By Science)

Herbs for Getting Rid of Gallstones Naturally (As Backed By Science)

Until they get a gallstone, most people don’t think about their gallbladder much.  But the gallbladder is actually incredibly important to our overall health.  In addition to helping break down fats, the gallbladder has roles like regulating gut flora, immunity and inflammation and even neurological health.   If you have gallstones, then chances are other aspects of your health are also suffering. Read more