Best Wild Lettuce Supplements (with High Lactucin Content)

Best Wild Lettuce Supplements (with High Lactucin Content)

Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) is a plant which has gotten a lot of attention recently for its many health benefits.  Because of this, you can find all sorts of wild lettuce extracts for sale.  A lot of these extracts aren’t actually very potent though.  Here’s what you need to know to get a good brand of wild lettuce which will actually provide benefits, dosage and more. Read more

Nasya Oil: What You Need to Know about Ayurvedic Nose Oil

Nasya Oil: What You Need to Know about Ayurvedic Nose Oil

As the weather gets colder, the air also gets dryer – which can wreak havoc on your nasal passages.  A solution which has been used for centuries by people in the high mountains (with very dry air) is nasya oil. But nasya oil isn’t just for dry noses. There are many other potential health benefits.  Here’s what you need to know and how to maximize nasya oil’s benefits. Read more

Best Coptis Supplements (Based on Potency and Quality)

Best Coptis Supplements (Based on Potency and Quality)

Coptis is quickly becoming a popular alternative to Goldenseal for its many health benefits, including: fighting inflammation, improving gut health, increasing bile flow and much more.  Despite this, there aren’t many Coptis supplements available – and some of the available ones aren’t the best quality.  Here’s what you need to know about Coptis supplements and the best options. Read more